Sunday, June 1, 2008

Blogging Reflection

*How easy/difficult was your experience working with Blogger? Well actually working with blogger wasn’t so bad, the website is pretty easy to understand. Did you feel frustrated at any point with the technology or the kinds of knowledge you had to have to blog the way you wanted to? No I didn’t really have any problems with making it look how I wanted it to.  What was inetersting or fun about working with Blogger? Setting it up was really the only fun part for me, I liked to see my page come together, but I am not a writer.

*Was writing the entry relatively painless or kind of a pain in the neck? Why or why not? Was it hard to write at least 250 words? It was sorta a pain in the neck, only because we had to do it every week, which I sometimes forgot and coming up with 250 words was hard, because some of the blogs could be explained in fewer words.

*Was it easy/difficult to meet the deadline for the entry and the comments? Why or why not? Yes, I never did it during the week, because I was usually doing other homework and working, so when Saturday came I would rush to do it after work. Do you think there may be a better way to set up a deadline? (If so, what is it?) Not really I just needed to manage my time better. Should there be a deadline at all? Yes, because if not the blogs would have never been done.

*Discuss your experience interacting with other class blogs. Did you learn anything in special that you think you wouldn't have if we didn't have blogs? In general, were comments useful or just kind of pro forma? The other class blogs were nice, but having to comment on them wasn’t so easy. These blogs were assigned so we’re commenting on something we also wrote. I don’t know I just didn’t like that.

*Compare blogging to other kinds of writing you have done in previous courses. 
Usually in other courses the only time we are writing is for a paper or notes but the blogging was like a journal, so it was very different. 

*Do you think you would like to keep on blogging on your own? No

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

THe Green Book

Rank at least five "little things" from the different chapters from "really easy for me to do (right now)" to "very difficult for me to do (right now)" and explain why they would be easy/difficult to do. 

These simple steps are coming from chapter 1 and 3:

1) Turning off the water when I brush my teeth.
 This is very easy for me to do, because I have done it for so many years it's become a habit.

2) Using warm-cold instead of hot-hot water cycles, when I wash.
Using warm water instead of hot is not a big deal, I really don't see a difference, when I use hot anyways.

3)  Bringing my own toiletries, when I'm on vacation.
I always like to bring my own toothpaste, hair products, soaps, etc. I don't know what cheap products the hotels would have to offer and what ingredients are in them.

4) Unplugging my all the appliances in my home when they are not in use. 
Unplugging everything is easy when I remember but it can be tricky when you have so many appliances. I find it easier to have most of the appliances plugged into a power strip that way you can just turn the switch off when you're not using them.

5) Carrying less baggage, when on vacation.
Now this is the hardest for me, because whenever I go any where I always bring a ton of stuff, I just like o be prepared for any situation or at least most of them. Vacation is even worse, because I always change my mind on what clothes to wear so I like to have my options, and I try to bring clothes for any weather no matter where I am going. BUT I will try my best to narrow it down. 

Publicly commit to doing at least one "little thing" from the book.
This will be recycling, I really need to start doing that, because it is so simple yet makes a big difference.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Peer Review: Debbie and Ligia

Debbie's first draft: Coral Reefs

1. Does the draft have a main point (thesis)? 
If yes, please cut and paste or copy the sentence(s) that contain the thesis onto your blog.
Today, coral reefs are on the verge of becoming extinct. Many of the creatures living in coral reefs today rely on them for their survival. We must change our habits and save our reefs. 

2. Find an instance of what you consider an interesting or useful example, image, chart, etc. and explain why. (You should cut and paste the passage/image or at least say in what page and paragraph it is).

Destructive fishing practices, land-based sources of pollution such as agricultural runoff, and excessive coastal development all have detrimental effects on these delicate reefs. 

This is important, because she is stating that not only is pollution hazardous to the coral reefs, but so are destructive fishing practices, which most people don't even think about.

“Changes in sea temperature caused by climate change and global warming affect corals, but they also affect the types of bacteria and other micro flora that live with them. When the water warms up, some disease-causing bacteria are more successful and can attack the corals. The corals themselves suffer from heat, which reduces their defenses” (Science daily). 
“Scientists report that 40% of the corals will be damaged by the year 2010 if nothing changes” (CDNN).

This piece of information is also important, because global warming, something in which we contribute to, is a problem to the environment for so many reasons and this is one problem that is overlooked. 

3. Find a place in the paper that you consider confusing or boring and explain why. (You should cut and paste the passage or at least say in what page and paragraph it is).
Water quality declines when pollution discharges from coastal areas reduce visibility and oxygen, the increase chlorophyll levels, causes a proliferation of new coral diseases and massive algal blooms.
This sentence confused me a bit, after reading a few times I think I kinda understand what she is trying to say, it's just it's two sentences combined with no conjunction. 

4. Does the draft acknowledge where information comes from IN THE BODY OF THE TEXT? (the bibliography does not count for this question)
Yes she added citations throughout the draft.

5. If the draft has a fictional "human interest story," discuss whether it is convincing/imaginative/detailed or forced/tedious/general.
She did have an imaginative part in the draft. This was interesting because she was able to give a descriptive vision of coral bleaching, in which we had to imagine in our minds.

6. Would you recommend that the writer get some help with grammar before turning in the last draft? Why? Why not?
Yes, there were a few sentences that could be combined and she should try to keep topics within paragraphs instead of spread out. 

Ligia's second draft:

1. Does the draft have a main point (thesis)? 
If yes, please cut and paste or copy the sentence(s) that contain the thesis onto your blog.
The arrival of the oil companies to the Ecuador’s Amazons created more destruction than wealth.

2. Find an instance of what you consider an interesting or useful example, image, chart, etc. and explain why. (You should cut and paste the passage/image or at least say in what page and paragraph it is).
The majority of Ecuadorians live off of agriculture ...The land became poisoned and unusable for agriculture...Since people cannot work their lands anymore, they looked for jobs in the oil companies.  The jobs of course they get are unsanitary... The oil companies are throwing all the poisoned wastes into the water and land...causing a lot of health problems... This has become a serious problem for the Huaorani because they cannot afford medicine from outside.  Therefore, they only use their rituals and traditional medicine, which involves the environment that is being destroyed.   
These points are interesting, because it gives a cycle to the problems. It shows how one thing affects the other.

3. Find a place in the paper that you consider confusing or boring and explain why. (You should cut and paste the passage or at least say in what page and paragraph it is).

Each one of us left our native country with the hope of finding a better future; but, with the promise of someday going back.  However, throughout time we started getting involved and influenced by our country of residence.  Little by little we started parting from our native country.  We do not pay a lot of attention to the things that are going on there, until something big or drastic happens.  This is why I decided to pick a major environmental problem that Ecuador is facing today.   I want to inform Ecuadorians and people from other countries of the things that are going on, in Ecuador’s Amazon.        

Ecuador is located Western South America, bordering the Pacific Ocean at the Equator, between Colombia and Peru.

I'm not sure if my computer did this or if she was going to change this paragraph.

4. Does the draft acknowledge where information comes from IN THE BODY OF THE TEXT? (the bibliography does not count for this question)
Yes she included citations in her draft.

5. If the draft has a fictional "human interest story," discuss whether it is convincing/imaginative/detailed or forced/tedious/general.
She has not added a fictional story or character in her paper.

6. Would you recommend that the writer get some help with grammar before turning in the last draft? Why? Why not?

Just a bit, she has a few grammar errors and repeated a few sentences twice.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Open Topic....

Soo, I am very late in writing this blog. I didn't remember until now that yes a week has gone by already and the next blog was due. I have been very sick, so my mind has been a bit off for the past few days or so.

Well I definitely have some more research to do. The coral reefs are very important, but I seem to keep getting brief examples of their importance and use. I am looking for detailed information on what marine species rely on them and how we and the environment rely on them. My next problem would be on creating a fictional character that would fit into my report. Although I do have somewhat of an idea putting it together is a bit tricky. 

Well I hope everyone is doing well on their papers, good luck and good bye!!!!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Research Paper UPDATE

So I've narrowed my biodiversity topic down to...Coral Reefs. My research papers will cover dates from the early 1990s all the way to the present. The area I will be discussing will be the coral reefs in the Caribbean , like Puerto Rico and Jamaica, and some other islands such as Hawaii. Coral reefs are a major diverse marine ecosystem and effect humans and marine species. 

I am writing on this topic, because of how important coral reefs are to our environment and ecosystem. They absorb carbon dioxide, recycle environmental waste to produce food, and provide a habitat for up to 3 million marine species.

My sources include organizations, the National Geographic, scientific researches, and photos. I would like to and plan on getting some books on the destruction of Coral Reefs and and obtain a few charts.

My working thesis will definitely be on the importance of Coral Reefs and hopefully I will  get this message across as clearly as possible and share some ways we can all help.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Research Paper

The topic of my research paper will be on biodiversity. Biodiversity is the diverse environment in which the animals, plants, and species live in as one. I will cover why it is important, who is affected by it, the extinction of species, and what can be done to protect it. This paper will be addressed to everyone and anyone. People will be able to understand the importance of this topic and will hopefully be encouraged to take action. 

A few of my sources are listed below


1) Conservation International: This site gives a brief explanation on the issues of biodiversity. They tell you how you can act toward helping the environment and even allows you to talk to their scientists. They also have petitions you can sign and accept donations. You can also receive the latest news on these issues and the efforts that are being used to help stop them. Here are some of their related links, that I will be using: Biodiversity Hotspots: This site lists many biodiversity hotspots from all around the world. They list what the area is known for, the human impact on the area, the plants and animals that are being threatened there, and a list of  protected areas. Investigate biodiversity: This site tells you how you can help and how to apply for a career with them.

2) US Aid: This site talks about what biodiversity is and the importance of conserving it. They talk about climate change, pollution, and other environmental issues. They also list the locations of their work and their programs, as well as how to obtain a career with them.

3) The UNDP: The UNDP gives a detailed explanation as to what biodiversity is. They also explain why it is important and who is affected by it. They talk about the crisis of biodiversity and contain useful resources as well. They also share their practices and cover biotechnology and conservations.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Signing up for this class, I thought... ok here's another boring seminar class and all we were going to do is talk about our major and be assigned some boring stuff. So on the first day of class I wasn't excited and then when I walked in and you told us we were going to talk about the environment, my whole attitude changed. 

I have always been concerned with environment and global warming, but wanted to learn more about it. Your assignments and readings have really helped. I remember the first one was to talk about 10 things we did that morning and all of the effects each one had on the environment. That helped a lot of us, because there were a lot of little things we saw that we were doing that affected the environment in a negative way. 

Then you played an Inconvenient Truth for us and went through the book as well, and this showed us evidence and statistical data of what is happening to the world. I think everyone needs to see that, because most people don't want to face the facts of global warming and just want to dismiss the idea out of fear or pure selfishness. 

The Story of Stuff was also good to watch. It really showed us the affects we have as consumers and that not only our the products many of us use, bad for us, but also bad for the environment, which I must admit I didn't really think about at first. Not only are we hurting ourselves and the environment with these products, but we are also bringing in the demand for them which is hurting the people who have to work in these factories with these toxic chemicals and have no other option. 

Although I never just dismissed the idea of global warming and care for OUR environment, I didn't do as much as I could. Since this class I have bought recycled notebooks, envirosax bags, which I take to go shopping so that I won't waste paper or plastic bags, and I am even looking at green events. 

Going green can be a fun cool thing you just have think positive about it and encourage others to do it with you. Everyone says... oh once person is not going to save the planet, well if everyone thinks like that it won't, but if people start doing this together that one person can make a big difference. And just maybe we'll still have our planet and then we can all be proud to say we helped save her. 

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Do You Agree With This Position??

In Genesis, God grants humankind "dominion" over the earth. Therefore, as God's supreme creation, we have the right to manipulate nature to satisfy our needs and desires.

Let me just make this clear, as humans we do not have the right to mess nature for our own selfish desires. However, we continuously mess with nature anyway. Case in point, Global Warming. As humans continue to pump oil and burn fossil fuels, and the poor earth is getting hotter and hotter. If God did give us the power to manipulate nature for our own desires, it is obviously to see if we can handle the responsibility, and so far, we can’t! We see it happening, 60 degree weather in December and polar bears drowning. We say we’re going to "go green" but we’re too irresponsible and if it means our daily activities will have to change and becomes an inconvenience to us, the less likely we will do it, because we are selfish.

A point I want to get across is that people need to look beyond themselves. We are a great species and have created a lot of good along with the bad, but we really need to look at what we’re doing to the environment and look at what’s going to happen to the world in the years to come. Some people say, "I won’t be alive then!" but your kids will. Do you really want your children, or your grandchildren to live in a world where cities are underwater! Do you want to even give them a chance to live?? People need to stop being selfish, plain and simple. We need to stop putting gas into our big cars and start planting trees or something, because if we have the power to mess up nature, we have the power to fix it.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

An Inconvenient Truth

One of the questions raised by An Inconvenient Truth is, how will you follow your passion? Mr. Gore sets a compelling example of someone who has used his education to address some of the most pressing problems facing the planet today. How will you use your education to make the world a better place?

I will try to talk to people about global warming and the things we can do to help our environment. I also encourage people to visit this website The Story of Stuff, which I found to be very helpful, interesting, and educating on showing us our status as consumers in the world and the effects and damage we contribute on a daily basis. Now that I know of the things we can do to help our environment I will be able to practice them more. I’ve never recycled even though I already knew about that, but it’s about time I do it.

Another thing many of us fail to realize is the toxins in our personal care products, such as shampoos, conditioners, body lotions and creams, our soaps, everything. These toxins are not only hazardous to our health, but to the environment as well. Many personal care and household products are made with a lot of fillers and synthetic chemicals, that are known to be irritants and can cause people to develop skin rashes and health issues, such as asthma, mental illnesses, reproductive problems and even cancer. Many of these chemicals also contaminate the water and air, causing pollution that is harmful to the environment, such as naptha, amyl acetate, formaldehyde, diglycol laurate, and many more chemicals. So by being aware of the products we use and the ingredients they contain, we can prevent these harmful effects and create a safer environment.

Here are some good sites to check out:
I like this site, because it gives you evidence of global warming and ways you can take action against it.
This is a good website, if your thinking about buying new appliances, becasue these will help save energy and money.
Want to end your junk mail, here's how to rid your name from the mailing list.
Need I say more.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Leisure Time

Ahh leisure time...something I would love to have more of. It seems no matter how long some days feel there just aren’t enough hours in a day. Going to school full time and then off to work I usually don’t get a lot of free time and when I do I’m usually trying to catch up to all my errands or so exhausted that I just stay in bed. If I decide to watch tv, I usually watch comedy shows, the national geographic channel, or the discovery channel. When I get ready for school or to go to work I’ll watch tv for maybe a half hour or so and when I really have time maybe just a few hours.

I do spend some time on the internet, maybe 2 days out of the week, to just look up skin care products and ingredients for my future body butters that I plan on making and to do a little shopping. So out of a 168 hr week I spend about 49 sleeping (7hrs a night), 35 working, 15 in school, 14 getting ready, 12 commuting, leaves me with about 43 hrs free. Half of that I would say I spend watching tv or on the internet and some of the time left over studying and doing my homework and the rest of my time left, well I don’t even know what I do, which probably brings me the most joy cause I might be laying down resting.....o wait I’m probably running my errands at this point. One thing I do have time for is my family, we are always talking and joking around, my other activities don't get in the way of that.

Living in the city becomes so fast paced, that you never seem to have time to catch up to everything you need to do. The majority of people’s lives usually consist of work, so when we finally have that free time, what do we do, we shop. Shopping has become so addicting that even when we are broke we find a way to shop, by charging it on our magical plastic card. And speaking of plastic can you imagine all the damage we are doing to our environment with all this shopping. It’s just 1 shopping bag after another, after another, and after another, whether it’s big or small, we just keep on taking them, and whether it’s paper or plastic, it keeps hurting our environment, because all we do is throw them out and all the energy wasted on making them, becomes waste. Yes we all need to shop some time, but let’s be smart about it and at least bring our own bags and stop wasting the paper and plastic ones.

And when we’re not shopping on our leisure time, we’re usually doing something that’s wasting more energy, such as watching tv, listening to music, keeping all the lights on, doing the laundry and so on. So instead of having so many lights on lets turn off a few and use CFL bulbs instead as well as energy saving appliances, this will not only help out the environment, but it’ll save us some money too. I know many people who love to have the tv on muted, the radio on, and talk on the phone, all at the same time.....please just pick one, there is no need for all of that to be on, it’s pointless, by doing that your just helping the "Big Guys" and it’s just making your pockets smaller.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

We Can Make a Difference

Every action of ours affects the environment whether it’s in a positive or a negative way. We all pretty much have the same routine in the morning we get up, brush our teeth, shower, and then we’re off to work, school, or maybe just running some errands. All of these things affect our environment. After many reports of global warming effecting the environment I decided to learn more about decreasing my daily carbon emissions. It is my mission to go green.

Turning off the faucet when I brush my teeth is something I always do, it’s a simple step that helps reduce my daily carbon emissions. A low flow shower head can also save a few hundred pounds a year of CO2 from being emitted into the air, although I must admit this is a hard one for me to do, since I love showering with hard water pressure, which yes is what I used this morning. So I try to do some other things to reduce my CO2 emissions is by turning off my power strip, unneeded lights, and unplugging anything that is not being used. I also use paperless billing which is easy to use and can also help save our trees, we already live in a computerized world so we might as well receive our bills online too.

Unfortunately it is sad to know that there are many people who do not care about the environment and our world. Most people say if they won’t be alive by the time global warming’s consequences occur than why should they care, well they should care!! Why should future generations and our world suffer the consequences of our generation, when we knew the affects of global warming and what we could do to change it! It’s a shame to see how careless, greedy, and selfish people can be when our world is at stake! Simple changes can make a big difference and it’s our responsibility to do the right thing. So I hope that everyone reading this will join me on my journey and go green :-D!!!