*Was writing the entry relatively painless or kind of a pain in the neck? Why or why not? Was it hard to write at least 250 words? It was sorta a pain in the neck, only because we had to do it every week, which I sometimes forgot and coming up with 250 words was hard, because some of the blogs could be explained in fewer words.
*Was it easy/difficult to meet the deadline for the entry and the comments? Why or why not? Yes, I never did it during the week, because I was usually doing other homework and working, so when Saturday came I would rush to do it after work. Do you think there may be a better way to set up a deadline? (If so, what is it?) Not really I just needed to manage my time better. Should there be a deadline at all? Yes, because if not the blogs would have never been done.
*Discuss your experience interacting with other class blogs. Did you learn anything in special that you think you wouldn't have if we didn't have blogs? In general, were comments useful or just kind of pro forma? The other class blogs were nice, but having to comment on them wasn’t so easy. These blogs were assigned so we’re commenting on something we also wrote. I don’t know I just didn’t like that.
*Compare blogging to other kinds of writing you have done in previous courses.
Usually in other courses the only time we are writing is for a paper or notes but the blogging was like a journal, so it was very different.
*Do you think you would like to keep on blogging on your own? No
*Do you think you would like to keep on blogging on your own? No
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